Episode 178: Tiffany Whitton (Part 2 of 2)

Tiffany Whitton was born on January 30,1987 in Kennesaw, Georgia. As Tiffany got older, her life began to spiral out of control. She stole from her family and friends and became a habitual liar. Tiffany’s teenage years were a struggle. She became...
Tiffany Whitton was born on January 30,1987 in Kennesaw, Georgia. As Tiffany got older, her life began to spiral out of control. She stole from her family and friends and became a habitual liar. Tiffany’s teenage years were a struggle. She became rebellious and quit high school during her sophomore year of high school.
Tiffany began heavily using drugs like OxyContin and worked at different waitress jobs. She also began shoplifting at Walmart regularly. In March of 2011, while living in Dalton, Georgia, Tiffany, was arrested and charged for a home invasion. Tiffany received a prison sentence in 2012. By this time, tension had grown so intense between Tiffany and her mother that Lisa had to practice tough love. She told Tiffany she was done with her daughter until she gave up drugs and her criminal activities. Lisa had hoped this would be the wakeup call Tiffany needed to overcome her troubles and become a responsible mother.
After Tiffany’s release, she would meet and begin dating a single father named Ashley “Red” Caudle. The couple began using crystal meth and other drugs. Friends of the couple described the relationship as toxic and troubled. The two fought regularly.
On September 12, 2013, the couple went to a friend’s home to do drugs. After leaving the friend’s home around midnight, the two arrived at a Marietta, Georgia Walmart at 1 a.m. After an hour, loss prevention employees became suspicious of Tiffany and watched her closely on security cameras.
The couple went to pay for some items at 2 a.m. Although Caudle paid for his items, Tiffany had attempted to steal $20 worth of merchandise.
Loss prevention employees approached and attempted to apprehend Tiffany. One of the employees grabbed Tiffany’s bag. She slid her arm out of the bag, kicked off her flip flops and ran away.
The loss prevention employees didn’t attempt to pursue her. Security cameras captured Tiffany running away from the store. She has never been seen again. The entire incident was capture on video and can be seen online. Tiffany has never been seen again.
If know anything about this case, please contact the Marietta Police Anonymous Tip Line at 770-794-6990. And if you would like to know more about this case, you can also visit the Find Tiffany Whitton Facebook page.
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