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Great Podcast
I enjoy listening to this podcast! Episode 114: how come the three individuals did not get apprehended!!!?? It’s obvious they had something to do with it. I hope this family finds closure.
Best True Crime Podcast Around
The best true crime podcast there is. These unsolved cases are heartbreaking, and Marc is a professional who gets all of the details of every case during his interviews. So glad this podcast exists and thank you Marc for putting together such a great podcast not only for for us to listen to, but to help get the word out about these unsolved cases.
Excellent podcast covering cases about which we would otherwise not hear. The host's interviews with loved ones of the victims are sensitive and deceptively low-key,. He allows them to tell their stories in their own ways, giving the time they need with gentle prompts when needed, which clearly show how well he has familiarized himself with the facts. In a gentle manner, which obviously makes them feel comfortable, he encourages survivors to tell their stories and offers sensible snd practical advice.
Great podcast with compassion.
Marc does a great job of interviewing with skill and compassion. Thank you for covering cases that may not be so well known but still should be solved. To the reviewer who complained about the commercials, I believe the ads are placed by the podcast network and not by the host.
Great podcast
You should cover the brutal murders committed by staff sergeant Robert Bales and the horrific murder of specialist Richard Thomas Davis. I don’t know how they’ve never been covered. Stay safe keep up the great work!
This is my favorite binge podcast. I love the human aspect added in and not just journalism. I need more! How about a update on some of the older ones?
Awesome podcast!
Just discovered you and I’m hooked! Can’t wait to binge!
Great podcast
Just found you & im hooked.
Great podcast
This is a great podcast. Host is very informative and guest interviews are not too wordy. Interesting cases are covered, especially the ones with not alot of fanfare.
Heartbroken for the families
As I listen to each story my heart breaks. I can even imagine the pain each and everyone has endured. This podcast is very detailed and heart felt in finding their loved ones.
Great podcast
This is one of my favorite podcasts I recommend it whenever I can 👍🏽 The subject manner is very informative and is handled with with concern for the victims